Friday, February 7, 2014

Fit Mom Motivator-Megan Melone

True Strength of a Fit (female in training-mind & body) Mom
Definition: A fit mom motivator is someone that takes pride in being a healthy, active &/or fit mom.  She is someone that strives to do better and wants to help other moms do the same. She is a strong woman that tackles challenges and her main focus in life is to create balance so that she and her family can live a happy and healthy life.

Basic Info
NameMegan Melone
Age 35
Number of Kids 1
Occupation Teacher/Nutrition Consultant/Makeup Artist
Favorite Color Red
*See the meaning of the Color Red when you finish reading her questionnaire*

1) Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How did you get into fitness?
I started working out with a friend after a bad breakup to burn off some steam about 10 years ago.  I had NEVER been athletic or lifted weights before in my life… My body responded well and I was encouraged to compete by a personal trainer at my gym.  I competed for a few seasons before having my son. 

2) What does being a fit mom mean to you?
Being a Fit mom means setting an example for my son of health!  Being a single mom, I want to be here for a long time for him and I want him to be a healthy child and eventually a healthy adult. 

3) Whats one thing you would say to a mom that wants to be a Fit Mom?
Do what works for you… Some people find performance sports work best for them, and others find working out using body weight and bands in their home to be a good fit. The best workout is the one you will DO!

4) Funny Story about being a Mom that you wish you would have known prior? This could be related to your pregnancy, delivery or having kids grow up
Ha… Well… Long story short, but when I got to the hospital (my mom drove me), I was dilated to 9 and 100% effaced… By the time my dad got there, I was in FULL ON delivery… LOL  He walked in while I was amidst the hard work… It was NOT funny then!  I screamed “GET OUT”  he said “WHOA” and left… REALLY REALLY awkward but now it’s funny.

5) How do you manage life as a mom? Most people find it hard to find balance while being a mom.  How do you find your balance?
I am not only a mom, I am a single mom, and a business owner.  Sometimes I want to scream, but I find ways to just find joy in life!  I look at my son and all of my fears melt away.  Plus, I have a ton of help… My family is amazing and my mom watches my son during the day while I am at work. 

6) Are you someone that focuses on nutrition? If so what is your nutrition structure and if not what is important to you about nutrition? 
Yea, nutrition is paramount!  I could give you all kinds of anecdotes about why nutrition is king, but the reality is you can’t LOOK fit and feel 100% if you’re putting crappy fuel into your body. It’s hard to convince people who are used to training 2-4 hours a day of this, but when you have little time to spare, you have to eat clean and spend less time in the gym to survive. 

7) Do you workout weekly and if not what do you do to stay active?  
Well… confession time… I don’t go to the gym much at ALL anymore.  When I said nutrition is king, I LIVE that!!!  Thankfully, my nutrition background helps me, but I have clients who are in the same boat (single moms, work full time, not a lot of time to get to the gym)… You can workout at home, using little to NO equipment. 

8) Any words of advise to new moms trying to be healthy while having kids? This could be Organization, priority, balance, nutrition, fitness, mindset, spiritual, environmental related or anything that you think is important in being a healthy mom.
Yes, lots:
1.      Take time for yourself… Just to allow yourself to breathe.  Send the kids off to the grandparents or hire a sitter so you can get out, see a movie, go to the spa, have a PJ night with the girls… Just don’t forget who YOU are.  It’s easy to have our identity wrapped up in being a “mom” but this is part of the balance that is necessary (in my opinion) to properly parent (with some energy and remaining grounded).
2.      Get some rest.  If that means going to bed early, napping… Whatever, but stay rested (and drink a lot of water).
3.      Keep your children on a STRICT schedule… Especially regarding sleep. 
4.      Only feed your child what you will eat.  Making your own baby food is easy… Making YOUR own food is easy too.  If you won’t eat it, don’t give it to your child.
5.      Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Whether it be your spouse, family members, friends… Nobody can read your mind.  If you need help, ask.  Sometimes I feel like we try to be super-mom and that isn’t fair.  Don’t forget you’re human.

This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful energy.
Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.

It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power.

Please visit Megan through her facebook pages, instagram or websites for more motivation, inspiration or Fitness/Makeup Information :)

Instagram: MeganMeloneMUA
Makeup Web Page:
Nutrition Page:

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